Riverview Native Nursery
Native Northeastern Indiana plants for your landscape, and for the butterflies, birds, and bees.
I want to share some exciting news. The founder and owner of Riverview Native Nursery, Martha Ferguson, approached me this past fall to see if we would be interested in assuming responsibility for Riverview Native Plant Nursery. Due to some challenging life circumstances, Martha felt it was time for her to shut down operations. This has been a tough time for her to let go because she really enjoyed the business and providing such a great service to our community. Martha told me, “If I could find someone to continue to serve it well, I would pass this on to the right people.”
I believe it is a great fit because we share a similar vision: we both feel our purpose is helping educate and empower people to take good care of their yards using environmentally friendly methods & planting lots of awesome native plants! We are committed to continuing the groundwork that Martha has started. We will strive to create thoughtful newsletters which Martha will help with, and provide great service and great-looking native plants through event sales and preorder sales. The name Riverview Native Nursery will remain. The only real change is that the nursery will now reside in different watersheds. Formerly positioned along the St. Joseph River in Spencerville, we will now be running the nursery off our property in Northwest Allen County along the Eel River.
Please don’t hesitate to send us feedback or ask questions that you may have. For now, we will focus on transitioning the business over and getting our feet beneath us. Be on the lookout in next month’s newsletter for further updates.

