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Restorative Landscapes

Striving to create environments that promote human wellness, support wildlife, and reduce the effects of climate change.

Beauty & health are important for us to live happy lives.

Native Plants

By planting in mass, using plants that have adapted to our local setting, and by reducing chemical inputs, we create a landscape that allows for more animals and pollinators to feel right at home. When we use native plants in some areas of your yard that you used to maintain as grass, we reduce our need for mowing, watering, and fertilizing and reduce our carbon footprint.

Engaging Landscapes

Whether it’s sharing recipes that call for ingredients found right in your backyard or creating a peaceful setting to relax in, we strive to create dynamic, spontaneous, and interesting landscapes that provide opportunities for you to connect with nature on a daily basis.

Sustainable Approach

In all of our projects, we do our best to steer clear of using any plant or practice that compromises the health of the local environment. Limiting our use of harmful chemicals and exotic plants helps to promote health in your yard. We love the challenge of working with a limited palette of plants that are best suited to thrive in your yard. Our native landscape design will help you grow a meaningful connection with the land around your home.

The result?


A better approach to landscaping

Most home yards are not restorative. They are filled with exotic plants, require a lot of maintenance to keep up, and do not offer the things needed to ensure a healthy environment. Unfortunately, since most yards all look the same, many of us will have a difficult time envisioning what a restorative landscape actually looks, smells, tastes, sounds, and feels like.
In order for a landscape to be restorative, it must be beautiful but also bring health to us and our local environment. We are changing the narrative of traditional landscaping by creating beautiful, regenerative, healthy yards for our clients – yards that produce more than just something nice to look at. These are yards that offer habitat and food for local wildlife, produce food for us, and reduce the constant need to weed, mulch, mow, and water.  

Get your free estimate today!

Before working with Rozelle, our landscaping was out of control, overgrown, and too much to handle.

Rozelle came in and not only cleaned everything up, but also provided us with an incredible experience. We learned unique ways to interact with our yard on a regular basis, discovered how the plants in our landscaping are native to our region, and even had fun planting our very first garden! This process was so interesting and fun!



Interested in learning more about ecological landscaping? Click below to visit Jay’s personal website and learn more about his mission to create experiences that connect people to nature.

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Our unique approach to lawn care and fertilization avoids causing harm to the environment while also helping you achieve the luscious lawn you are looking for.

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